Matthew 25: The Three Parables of Preparation
1. The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Read from Matthew 25:1-13 and New Testament Student Manual "What is the meaning of the parable of the Ten Virgins?"
1. The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Read from Matthew 25:1-13 and New Testament Student Manual "What is the meaning of the parable of the Ten Virgins?"
- Who does the bridegroom represent? The Master, Jesus Christ
- Who did President Harold B. Lee say the virgins represent? Those who were professed believers in Christ or connected with the Church and the events.
- What does the wedding represent? The second coming of Jesus Christ
- Why did the bridegroom come at "midnight," while the wedding guests "slumbered and slept"? How does this apply to our waiting for the Savior's Second Coming? The bridegroom came at night because he wanted only those who were ready and willing to prepare to come. Same applies to the second coming, we must prepare ourselves efficiently for the Savior. If we make spiritual things an after thought, then we won't fool the Lord into thinking that we have fully prepared.
- What did five of the virgins do that was foolish? How might a Church member today make the same error as the foolish virgins? What would the consequences be? The five foolish virgins didn't bring enough oil for this lamps to endure the journey to the wedding. Once it was time to go to the wedding, they didn't have oil to light their ways. So they had to leave and go get more and by the time they came back it was too late to go into the wedding. A church member today may feel those promptings for the spirit to do better and change the way they do things day to day with reading their scripture, prayer, etc but they simply push it aside saying, "I will start tomorrow". The consequences will be that day after day will go by without doing those spiritual things that are needed to prepare us for the Saviors coming. Once they realize the time is upon them, it will be too late to adequately prepare.
- What should we learn from the actions of the five wise virgins? We can never prepared too much. Following the commandments and living the gospel will help in getting you prepared for the second coming and that it's never not worth the time. Coming to know our Savior is something that should always be a priority.
- Keeping in mind that the oil in the parable represents spiritual preparation for the Second Coming, what are some ways we can add "oil" to our "lamps"? What does Doctrine and Covenants 45:56-57 teach about ways to add oil to our lamps? There are numerous ways to add "oil" to our "lamps". Scripture studying, praying, family home evening, temple and church attendance and preparing to be taught during those services. In Doctrine and Covenants we learn that a way to add oil to our lamps is to take the Spirit to be our guide.
- Although a talent was a sum of money in New Testament times is can also represent all that the Lord has given us. List the rewards each of the three men received in the parable of the talents and explain why each man received that reward. What mattered more than the number of talents or gifts each received? To the first and second servant, were made a ruler over many things and had the joy of the Lord with him because they multiplied the talents that were given to them. And the last had his talents taken from him and cast into outer darkness because he did nothing with the talents that were given to him. It mattered more to them that they did as the Lord instructed then the reward that they would receive.
- What reason did the third man give for hiding his talent? He was afraid.
- What teachings in 2 Timothy 1:7; Proverbs 3:5-6; Doctrine and Covenants 3:7-8; 6:33-37 can help us overcome our fears and to develop and use the talents given to us from the Lord? We must put our Trust in our Heavenly Fathers and know that He has a clear understanding of what we are capable of. When we put our trust in Him, He will lead us to where we are suppose to go. Despite the men of the world and Satan's desire to get us to do things contrary to the Lords way, when we can remain faithful unto the Lord we will be supported against the adversary.
- Outline a plan whereby you can better develop and use two of the gifts the Lord has given to you. I hope to learn and become a better teacher to my Primary kids. Learn in which ways to best teach them for their understanding and how to create a loving relationship with each of them to build a trusting and respecting relationship.
- What difference does the way we treat others make to the Lord? There is a need to treat others as our Heavenly Father would treat them. Regardless of the circumstances how we treat others is essential to the Lord. They way we treat others tells Heavenly Father to whom we follow. If we do things as he would do then we are doing thing unto Him but if we aren't then we aren't following Him.
- List six actions found in Matthew 25:35-36 that permitted "the sheep" to receive their reward at the King's right hand. What are some spiritual or physical needs people have around you that are similar to those listed in the parable?
- Hungered and gave meat
- Thirsty and gave drink
- Stranger and took him in
- Naked and clothed him
- Sick and visited him
- In prison and came unto him
- How will following the principles of this parable about preparation for the Second Coming help someone prepare for that event? If we follow the principles in this parable we will be prepared for the second coming because we will have been following the ways of Christ and doing things as he would have done. When we are the service of our fellow men, we are in the service of our Lord. We can come to now the Lord and ourselves as we serve those who are around us.
Great ideas for my next sermon. Thanks for writing this.
ReplyDeleteIt is indeed, a great help in my studies, understanding parables related to the second coming of Christ.(Preparation/ getting ready)