Make a list of what the Savior taught about (1) what the Holy Ghost does and (2) what disciples must do to receive the Holy Ghost:
They were able to have the Holy Ghost with them to guide their thoughts, words and actions. They used the Holy Ghost to continue preaching and baptizing those who believed in the word of Jesus Christ.
Write about a time when the Holy Ghost blessed you in one of the ways listed above. Give an example of how the Holy Ghost has inspired you.
I have been blessed with the Holy Ghost many times and often many times that I don't truly recognize it. Throughout my life I have always felt very close to the Spirit and the Spirit typically touches me in ways that are very emotional. Whether it is in a song or listening to the words of the Lord I have been able to recognize truth spoken to me by the Holy Ghost.
When we started out family, I often wondered how I was going to know what to do whenever my child needed something since they don't come with instruction manuals. I then read this from the Prophet Joseph Smith, "If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates." Knowing that if I live the gospel and rely on the Lord, I will not be left alone to raise the children that I have. There have been countless times that I have had ideas come to my mind that weren't my own that have helped me with numerous things. Right now it is mainly to help me with my children, but during difficult times when I am in need of something it usually doesn't take very long for an idea to come to me and I know that those ideas come from the Holy Ghost.
- John 14:15-17: (1) Abides in us (2) Love the Lord and keep His commandments
- John 14:26-27: (1) Teaches us all things and brings all things to our remembrance (2) Have peace in the Lord
- John 15:26-27: (1) Testify of the Savior (2) Bear witness of the Savior
- John 16:7-8: (1) Reprove the world of sin, righteousness and judgement
- John 16:13-14: (1) Guide you to all truth, speaks whatever he hears, and show us all things to come. (2) Glorify the Lord
- New Testament Student Manual, "The Holy Ghost Brings Man to His Fullest Potential": (1) "Quickens all intellectual faculties, increases, enlarges, expands and purifies all the natural passions and affections; and adapts them, by the gift of wisdom, to their lawful use. It inspires, develops, cultivates, and matures all the fine-toned sympathies, joys, tastes, kindred feelings and affection of our natures. It inspires virtue, kindness, goodness, tenderness, gentleness and charity. It develops beauty of person, form and features. It tends to health, vigor, animation and social feeling. It invigorates all the faculties of the physical and intellectual man. It strengthens, and gives tone to the nerves...it is...marrow in the bone, joy in the heart, light to the eyes, music to the ears, and life to the whole being.
- New Testament Student Manual, "As a Messenger of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost Teaches Faithful Members": (1) "Instruct and enlighten the minds of those who, through their faithfulness have obeyed the commandments of the Father and the Son. He bears witness of the truth, quickens the minds of those who have made covenant and reveals to them them mysteries of the kingdom of God.
- Bible Dictionary, "Holy Ghost": (1) "a convincing witness that the gospel is true. It gives one a testimony of Jesus Christ and of his work and the work of his servants upon the earth...acts as a cleansing agent to purify a person and sanctify him from all sin...When a person speaks by the power of the Holy Ghost that same power carries a conviction of the truth into the heart of the hearer. The Holy Ghost knows all things and can lead one to know of future events." (2) "The gift can come only after proper and authorized baptism, and is conferred by the laying on of hands. The gift of the Holy Ghost is the right to have, whenever one is worthy, the companionship of the Holy Ghost."
They were able to have the Holy Ghost with them to guide their thoughts, words and actions. They used the Holy Ghost to continue preaching and baptizing those who believed in the word of Jesus Christ.
Write about a time when the Holy Ghost blessed you in one of the ways listed above. Give an example of how the Holy Ghost has inspired you.
I have been blessed with the Holy Ghost many times and often many times that I don't truly recognize it. Throughout my life I have always felt very close to the Spirit and the Spirit typically touches me in ways that are very emotional. Whether it is in a song or listening to the words of the Lord I have been able to recognize truth spoken to me by the Holy Ghost.
When we started out family, I often wondered how I was going to know what to do whenever my child needed something since they don't come with instruction manuals. I then read this from the Prophet Joseph Smith, "If you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates." Knowing that if I live the gospel and rely on the Lord, I will not be left alone to raise the children that I have. There have been countless times that I have had ideas come to my mind that weren't my own that have helped me with numerous things. Right now it is mainly to help me with my children, but during difficult times when I am in need of something it usually doesn't take very long for an idea to come to me and I know that those ideas come from the Holy Ghost.
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