Make a comparison of how the Jewish leaders of Jesus' day were like each of the following:
- The fig tree in Matthew 21:17-20: The Jewish leaders weren't able to accept Christ and let His words take root within themselves for the proper growth to happen. Personal application: Has there been times when I haven't fully accepted the Lord and His words when they were clearly given for my benefit? (Ways I am not fully accepting His words: not adequately preparing for Sunday, listening and apply talks given in General Conference, or inviting the Spirit to guide me throughout the day)
- The second son in Matthew 21:28-32: The Jewish leaders are like the second son because they claim to follow the Lord and do His will but there actions or words say different. They aren't living according to how He would want us to. They may appear to do things outwardly but inwardly aren't the same. It's better become converted and repent of our old ways then to claim that we are living righteously when we aren't.
- The husbandmen in Matthew 21:33-41: This is the Jewish leaders who rejected or harmed the prophets that came before Christ to prepare the way for Him. They were prideful and couldn't accept what they prophets were preaching. Even when Christ himself came, they still weren't able to accept Him despite seeing the Gospel and His way played out in front of them.
- The wedding guests and the man without the wedding garment in Matthew 22:1-14: The Jewish leaders have too much pride to accept Jesus Christ and His ways. Despite the many chances that they had to come unto Him and repent of their ways they refused. They eventually ran out of chances and were sent away. The man without the wedding garment tried to pretend like he belonged there, but they were able to find him. The same is for us. We can't pretend to live the gospel and trick Christ into believing that we are following Him. He knows our hearts.
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