Friday, June 24, 2011

Preparing for the Savior's Second Coming

Identify the words that "take heed" and "watch" in each of the following verses. Then list three things from this chapter that believers could watch for in order to be prepared to meet the Lord.
  • Mark 13:5- "Take heed lest any man deceive you"
  • Mark 13:9- "take heed to shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them."
  • Mark 13:23- "take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things."
  • Mark 13:33- "Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is."
  • Mark 13:35- "Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh".
  • Mark 13:37- "And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch."
Some things to watch for:
  1. False Christs and false prophets (Mark 13:22)
  2. When the sun shall be darkened, the moon give no light, the stars fall, and the power of heaven shaken. (Mark 13:24-25)
  3. When the gospel is published among all nations. (Mark 13:10)
  4. Nation rising against nation...kingdom against kingdom...earthquakes...famines. (Mark 13:8)

Additional truths that are taught in the following references about how to prepare for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
  1. Doctrine and Covenants 87:8: This scripture talks about standing in holy places and not moving from those places. There are more holy places then just temples or churches. If they Spirit can dwell there, it can be a be a holy place. It is essential that we make all of the places that we dwell in holy places so that we can be prepared for His coming. We don't know when He will come, so we need to always be prepared.
  2. Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:32: This scripture talks about the prophecy given by Daniel that an abomination of desolation.
  3. Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:37: The elect from all over the world will be gathered together.
  4. Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:46-50: This scripture talks about being watchful at all times in order to be ready for the Savior. We need to be able to discern when Satan is trying to sneak in order to overcome those things that will lead us away from being watchful.
  5. Doctrine and Covenants 33:17: This is how we are watchful by reading our scriptures, praying at all time, and being faithful. When we can do these things it helps us to be prepared for the Savior.
  6. Doctrine and Covenants 45:56-57: This scripture reminds me of those who won't be deceived, "the elect, according to the covenant...that have an unshakable testimony of the Gospel." (New Testament Student Manual) These are the one who will be ready for the Savior and it will be because of what they have done to prepare.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Jesus was Rejected by the Jewish Leaders

Make a comparison of how the Jewish leaders of Jesus' day were like each of the following:

  • The fig tree in Matthew 21:17-20: The Jewish leaders weren't able to accept Christ and let His words take root within themselves for the proper growth to happen. Personal application: Has there been times when I haven't fully accepted the Lord and His words when they were clearly given for my benefit? (Ways I am not fully accepting His words: not adequately preparing for Sunday, listening and apply talks given in General Conference, or inviting the Spirit to guide me throughout the day)
  • The second son in Matthew 21:28-32: The Jewish leaders are like the second son because they claim to follow the Lord and do His will but there actions or words say different. They aren't living according to how He would want us to. They may appear to do things outwardly but inwardly aren't the same. It's better become converted and repent of our old ways then to claim that we are living righteously when we aren't.
  • The husbandmen in Matthew 21:33-41: This is the Jewish leaders who rejected or harmed the prophets that came before Christ to prepare the way for Him. They were prideful and couldn't accept what they prophets were preaching. Even when Christ himself came, they still weren't able to accept Him despite seeing the Gospel and His way played out in front of them.
  • The wedding guests and the man without the wedding garment in Matthew 22:1-14: The Jewish leaders have too much pride to accept Jesus Christ and His ways. Despite the many chances that they had to come unto Him and repent of their ways they refused. They eventually ran out of chances and were sent away. The man without the wedding garment tried to pretend like he belonged there, but they were able to find him. The same is for us. We can't pretend to live the gospel and trick Christ into believing that we are following Him. He knows our hearts.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Earthly and Heavenly Rewards

Matthew 19:16-30

1. What indications can you find that suggest why the young man decided not to follow the Savior?

Even though the young man had kept all the commandments of God he was asked to sell all that he had and give it to the poor. If he gave up all that he had, he was promised that he would have "treasure in heaven." Someone who was obedient to this promise ultimately would have been happy, but this young man "went away sorrowful."

2. How does Matthew 6: 19-24 help explain his choice?

The Savior teaches his disciples stating that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Meaning, earthly possessions are hard to give up for some--they would rather have their stuff, then have eternal blessings.

3. What blessings did the Savior promise to those who make sacrifices to follow Him?

Eternal life and many eternal blessings "an hundred fold." (verse 29) They will be eternal blessings, not temporary ones like earthly possessions are.

4. Based on the Savior's response to Peter, write a paragraph that could help you put the Lord first in your life.

For me, riches do not make me happy. Do they make things easier, of course, but you can't bring your money or possessions with you into the next life. I know the Savior loves me and that if I am obedient to all that He asks of me I can return to live with Him forever. The Savior loves unconditionally, our possessions only offer temporary happiness in our live--to me having unconditional love far outweighs any happiness an object brings. Knowing the eternal happiness I can have helps me make choices in my life to put the Lord first.

Parable in Matthew 20:1-16 about what rewards come to those who serve in the Lord's kingdom

The hour the laborers How much the man Hours How much they were
were hired agreed to pay worked actually paid

Early morning a penny a day 12 a penny
3rd hour whatsoever is right 9 a penny
6th hour whatsoever is right 6 a penny
9th hour whatsoever is right 3 a penny
11th hour whatsoever is right 1 a penny

5. What do we learn from this parable about serving in the Lord's kingdom?

That no matter how long or short you serve in the Lord's vineyard the end result is the same for all the laborers. There is not a minimum or maximum amount of hours required of the Lord. He just requires for us to serve diligently and with our whole hearts.

6. What message of comfort can this parable have for converts to the Church?

That they don't have to play a catch up game with those who have been in the church their whole lives. The Lord doesn't require quantity, but quality and effort.

7. What would you tell someone who feels it is unfair for each of the laborers to be paid equally?

I would say to them that though it visually appears to be unbalanced or unfair this would be how the world views life--who did more than the next. Heavenly Father judges us as individuals. This life isn't a race to see who can "one-up" the next person or who has done more service or giving than the next. Heavenly Father see us for what we do as individuals with the trials and challenges put in our paths.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ

What it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ:

· Chose to always follow Him. (Luke 10:38-42)

· Be an example of Him. (Luke 11:1-13)

· Teaching His ways. (Luke 11:1-13)

· Love others and be willing to give. (Luke 11:1-13)

· Need to be in tune with Heavenly Father’s will. (Luke 11:1-13)

· The Lord will provide the things for you, when you are doing His will and have faith in Him. (Luke 12:13-40; 23-24)

· Seek to do His will first. (Luke 12:13-40)

· Always be ready to Him to come. (Luke 12:13-40)

· Seek the kingdom of God before anything else. (Luke 12:13-40)

In what why could I be a better disciple of Christ and what difference would it make in my life.

One teaching that I can more fully apply is to be in tune with Heavenly Father’s will. I need to do better at being consistent in my personal morning prayers and my scripture study. I do really well for a week and then I loose focus. I know that when I am able to do these things at times it can be the difference between a really good day and a bad one. When I am able to spiritually create my days, I feel more prompted from the Spirit in all things and I need this the most. I need the daily guidance and I hope to be lead more fully by it.

Explain in writing what is ultimately required to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

To be a disciple of Christ we need to be willing to sacrifice all for Him. We need to commit our entire self to His ways and strive to be like Him. Seek after Him through our actions and our prayers. We need to know what His words are and how they can be applied within our lives. Living in accordance to His will requires us to sacrifice some “worldly things” but to have the things that the Lord can give to us is greater then any treasure that you could have on earth. Being a disciple of Christ requires faith, love and charity and we must constantly be striving to do those things.