Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Savior Healed a Young Man

1. Review Matthew 17: 14-21 and list three things the Savior said were needed for the disciples to heal the man.
1) Faith
2) Prayer
3) Fasting

2. Read each of the following references. Next to the reference, write what it teaches about what is needed for miracles to happen.
a) 3 Nephi 18:20 - You need to ASK Heavenly Father and BELIEVE that He can/will grant it to you
b) Doctrine and Covenants 50:29 - We need to be sinless and to ASK in the name of Jesus Christ
c) Doctrine and Covenants 42:48 - Have FAITH to be healed and not on your deathbed

It is important to remember that in order to be healed we first need to ask but that isn't all. We must have faith to believe that Heavenly Father can heal us. This is something that I am trying to teach my 4 year old (on a basic level of course). For example, he got a splinter in his hand. He is a very sensitive kid, so he wanted it to come out but didn't want to feel the pain of taking it out. I suggested that maybe he say a little prayer about it to ask Heavenly Father to help me take it out quickly. He said the prayer and quickly said, "But it's still in there mom!"
I'm grateful for those little teaching moments that allow my son to learn not only to prayer for things that he is in need of but also to believe that Heavenly Father can help him.

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